Monday, May 16, 2005

My Mistress

Although I am a married man I have a mistress. Jackie knows about my relationship with her and is suprisingly incredibly supportive of the time we spend together.

I have known her all of my life. She is wonderful, beautiful, and intelligent and makes me feel so great that I cannot imagine that anyone has ever felt better. When I am down she cheers me up. When I am mad she soothes me. If I feel worthless she gives me hope.

When I was a little boy she took me into her confidence and told me that someday I would find myself in her. I didn't know if she was lying but I wanted to believe her. Deep down inside I knew she was telling me the truth. I did find myself within her eventually and in her, I feel that my talent is unlimited and that I can accomplish anything that I want to.

It's taken me years to understand her and although I have made great strides in comprehending what she tells me I sometimes feel that she is speaking a language foreign to my own.

Sometimes I feel bad about the time I spend with her when I know I should be spending that time with Jackie but I feel helpless about needing to be with her.

She can be difficult sometimes. When I try to communicate with her she is silent. When I need her for inspiration she gives me none but I know that it will always pass and that we will be together forever.

She has been with me all of my life. Her name is Music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jackie doesn't mind your mistress - not!!! she is constantly bitching about your music. can't stand it the music muse stuff you got going on. wish you would stop with it so she would keep her big trap shut about it.