Saturday, October 01, 2005


I've been working 10 hour shifts down at the Marathon refinery. I am a "service" technician which means I go out to various commerical heating and air conditioning units that are not working and attempt to troubleshoot those problems and then fix them. Since I was laid off and "service" has been slow I have been placed at the Martathon job which is "construction". I am not a "construction" pipefitter and I do not know much about it so it pretty much sucks.

I have this weekend off and then I will be working 10 or 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for the next 30 - 45 days. Now as far as I can see there is two ways to look at this.

10 or 12 hours a day, 7 days a week = a lot of money. or,

10 or 12 hours a day, 7 days a week = A complete physical breakdown of my body.

In lighter news, Jack and I have had a couple more people walk through our condo to check it out but we still haven't gotten any bids on it yet. Below is my "Golden Rule" concerning condominium purchasing.

Never, Never, Ever Under Any Circumstances Buy A Condominium.

I won't go into my reasoning for giving you this advice because it would take far too much space on this blog and all of you would fall asleep before you finished reading about the things that suck ass about living in a condo that you own.

The only exception to my "Golden Rule" would be if you are old and you cannot physically take care of a yard or shovel snow, ect. Then it is probably a pretty good deal.

I continue my study of Leonardo Da Vinci. I have started to read "Leonardo Da Vinci" by Sherwin B. Nuland. I have found that whenever an individual reads several biographical texts of a particular person, that individual is bound to find differences in the stated facts between the texts. I first encountered this problem when I started my study of the Jazz saxophonist John Coltrane. I bought about 5 different Coltrane biographies in the span of 4 months or so and when reading these book it sometimes seemed as if the 5 books were about 4 different people. In the case of Da Vinci I can somewhat understand the problems of the varying stated factual occurrences of his life as he was dead by 1519 but with the Coltrane books it seemed that it was plain laziness on the part of certain authors.

I have updated my music download page with the next 10 songs from "A Beautiful Morning". Check it out if you like insane guitar jams.

I'm done writing.

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