Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone.

Went to Scott Lozon's last night. What was weird was there was a period of 15 mins or so that Mick Senish, Rob Armitage, Scott, and myself were all in the same room. The combination of us 4 is what constitutes according to leading music critics and fans, the "classic" Tonto Savalas lineup.

Spent most of yesterday at Jackie's Mom and Dad's doing the Easter thing. I had a good time. We watched "The Birds". Dinner was great as always.

We are going to my Mom and Dad's today for Easter dinner there. Dinner should be good as well.

Have a good holiday and as Leon Russell once said, "Don't Get Hung Up About Easter".

1 comment:

TontoSavalas said...

Happy Easter to all the little boys in England. Tonto will one day rise from the Ashes and be reborn. Just not today, or tomorrow, or next week, but one day.