Thursday, March 17, 2005

Update On Ongoing Musical Projects

In my last update I listed the ongoing musical projects that I have running at the moment. I didn't have time to get into the details at the time of that posting but I do now.

"The Paradise Tapes - Volume 2" (Album)
I recorded this album between December 24th and December 31 of 2004 at "The Northern Estate" in Paradise, Michigan. It was recorded to 4-track cassette. The album is finished with the exception of two pieces which I need to remix. This should have been done long ago but I cannot seem to concentrate on one thing musically. This is as the name implies the sequel to "The Paradise Tapes - Volume 1"

"Experimental Music #2 - Electronic Music" (E.P.)
This E.P. is about 80% completed. I played Joe Lafata the rough mixes of this a couple of weeks ago and he liked it. It is being recorded onto the 'Cakewalk" program. It was originally supposed to be finished in October of 2004 but I have decided to once again (see Albatross) play "the perfectionist" with this E.P. This is the sequel to "Experimental Music #1 - Moog Music" and the second part of the 4 part "Experimental Music" series.

"Experimental Music #3 - Answering Machine Music" (E.P.)
This E.P. is about 90% completed but I stopped work on it a couple of months ago to concentrate on completing "Electronic Music". I never did. This E.P. is made up of recordings I made using 20 second and a 30 second "endless loop" answering machine cassettes recorded onto 4-track cassette. The idea is that the tapes never end so I start by recording the first track or loop and when I am satisfied with it I record up to three other tracks on top of it (4 tracks = 4 loops). Then during the mixing process I am free to start the piece with any of the 4 loops I want to and I can bring the others up and down in the mix as I please. Since the tapes never end I can make the piece 2 minutes or 2 hours. I don't think any of you reading this really know how insane I am.

"A Thread Of Light In The Cloak Of Darkness" (Album)
This album is about 90% completed. It consists of recordings made via the Boss RC-20XL "Loop Station" pedal. It is being recorded onto the "Cakewalk" program. It is related in theory to the "Answering Machine Music" E.P. in that it is "loop" music but it is produced by a much different process. I start by recording a single loop onto which I then overdub various numbers of other loops (one piece on the album features over 45 guitar loops).

"The D.J. Wonderbread Experience" (Album)
I have 4 finished tracks for this album. I have about 20 other tracks of which the recording of is in progress. I must keep details about this album shrouded in mystery for the time being.

"Northville Soundtrack" (Album)
I have 4 tracks finished for this project as well. Over the last 9 months or so I have been composing and recording "soundtrack" music to video footage of the now demolished Wayne County Child Development Center in Northville, Michigan. I have about 5 other tracks for this project started but not completed. One of the guys from the W.C.C.D.C. site plays the cello and we will be collaborating on some of the music in the future. It is being recorded onto "Cakewalk".

"Albatross" (Album) (as always)
Ahhh "Albatross". I started the writing and recording of this album in the fall of 2000 and I still am not finished. It is a double album consisting of one "vocal" album and one instrumental album recorded onto 4-track cassette. I have 14 songs completed so far. I wouldn't usually be such a perfectionist about the album but it really is the greatest thing I have ever done. "Albatross" is my Masterpiece. It is my "Sgt. Pepper's" or my "Physical Graffitti", or my "Quadrophenia". I am so extremely proud of this album that I can't half-ass anything on it. It will be finished sometime before 2010 I hope.

I have a lot going on at the moment musically.


TontoSavalas said...

"I don't think any of you reading this really know how insane I am." Umm, as a wise man once said to me, yeah I do.

TontoSavalas said...

Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks
Had I from old and young !
Instead of the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung.

Ya- I went and got all Coleridge on your ass!

TontoSavalas said...

He should at least get his own music page, so he can make everyone download his insanity.