Friday, April 07, 2006

Websites Back Soon

I ordered a copy of Front Page from Microsoft yesterday so mine and Jack's websites should be back up and running within the month. I am hoping that we will be able to start work on our webpages right where we left off at since I saved the files before I wiped our computer. As the copy of Front Page I bought yesterday is a newer version that what we were using previously I'm hoping the files will transfer without problem. If they don't then we will have to redo our webpages which is ok with me but I don't think Jack would be very happy. I have been thinking about redoing mine anyway.

I re-aggravated my back getting into my Jeep to get the second steroid injection Wednesday morning so I have been in agony ever since then. I took it pretty easy yesterday and watched some DVD's and took my beloved painkillers. I also recorded a new piece for the "Northville" project.

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