Saturday, April 15, 2006

Saturday Morning

It is a lovely Saturday morning. Yesterday was awesome as well. It was the first day that felt like Summer to me and despite my crippling back pain it felt great.

I had a good session with "House Music" last night. The music was pretty twisted and loud and I was able to play without too much difficulty.

I am glad to be getting the websites back up and running. Jackie has added some video of Harvey to her website. It's nice to finally be able to incorporate video into our websites which is something that we have wanted to do for awhile.

I am still trying to decide what I want to do with my website. I want the layout to be different than what it was but I'm not sure how I am going to go about it.

My good friend A.C. came over to the house last Sunday and we spent a couple of hours transferring a bunch of my CD's into his laptop so he could upload the music into his Ipod. We must have loaded at least 20 CD's of mine into Anthony's laptop. I burned 6 CD's from Anthony as well. The CD's I burned from him were

Metallica - Master Of Puppets
The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour
The Beatles - Let It Be
The Beatles - The Beatles (Discs 1 & 2)

As most of you probably know The Beatles self titled album is commonly referred to as "The White Album". I burned Anthony's copy of "The White Album" because he had the American Stereo version of the album whereas I have the British Mono version. When "The White Album" was first released in Britain in 1968 it was available in both Mono and Stereo versions whereas it was only available in stereo in the U.S.

When I was a child I had the Stereo version on cassette but when I started collecting CD's I found a bootleg version of "The White Album" which contained the British Mono version plus a lot of demo's of the albums songs recorded by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison at Harrison's house. So for years the only version of the album that I heard was the Mono version.

Listening to the Stereo version that I burned from Anthony was awesome. It was the first time that I had heard the Stereo mixes of those songs in probably 20 years and they sounded wonderful. I guess the best way to describe it would be to imagine yourself reading a book with regular black text on white paper and then someone hands you that same book in a glossy, full color, "pop up" version. "The White Album" has always been my favorite Beatles album but it was like I was hearing again for the very first time. When I was a child The Beatles were always my favorite group (at least until I discoved The Who).

Anthony also gave me two DVD's to watch. The first was a collection of fishing shows called "Fishing With John". "Fishing With John" is some of the funniest stuff me and Jackie have ever seen. There are only 6 episodes but they are absolutely hysterical. The host John goes fishing in various locations with different celebrities. The celebrities on the six shows were Tom Waits, Jim Jaramusch, Matt Dillon, Willem Defoe, and Dennis Hopper (2 episodes). The half hour where Jack and I watched the episode where John and Willem Defoe go ice fishing in Maine was one of the most rewarding of my life.

The second DVD is a movie called "Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus". This film was playing down at the Detroit Institute Of Arts a couple of months ago. I have not seen much of it yet but it is a documentary of a musician who lives in the south (Texas I believe) and it seems very interesting.

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