Monday, September 18, 2006

Finally An Update.

Finally an update.

My back surgery went well and I am in the midst of recovery. I can only lift 5 pounds or less so I have to be careful what I lift around the house. It's been hard on me to not be able to touch a guitar in so long. Every day seems to get a little better though.

Baby Nicholas should be making his grand entrance into the world sometime within the next three weeks. We had the baby shower for Jackie's family yesterday. We received a lot of great things for him. Thanks again everybody. We had the first baby shower for my side of the family a couple of days before I went under the knife. Nicholas has received a lot of great books. My cousin Kevin, his wife Andi, and their children Owen and Liam sent us some really nice books for Nicholas a couple of days ago. Thanks Again.

I'm glad that I have recovered enough to where I will be able to be at the hospital when Nicholas is born. I was afraid that I might not be able to be there. I may have to sit a lot of the time but I will be there.

That's about it for breaking news I'm afraid. I will post again soon, I promise.

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