Sunday, June 25, 2006

Greetings From Paradise - Pt. 3

Jackie, Harvey (our cat), the still developing Nicholas, and I are up at Jackie's parents beautiful home in Paradise.

I drove up with Jackie's dad Norm this past Friday morning. Jackie and Harvey came up Yesterday morning.

The weather up here has been beautiful. If you are standing in the sun it's about 75 degrees. If you are sitting in the back room with the windows open it's about 60 degrees. It's kinda funny to be covering up with afghans in late June.

After Norm and I got up here we brought all of out stuff in. We relaxed for a couple of minutes then we went by Jackie's Aunt Barb and Uncle Dennis's house down the road. Their house is beautiful as well. We filled the bird feeders and checked out her phone line to see if it worked because her web cam has not been updating. Their phone line was dead. Yesterday was also Dennis's last day of work for GM. Today he starts his retirement. Congratulations Dennis!

When Norm and I got back we set up the Yaesu FRG-8800 shortwave receiver that my friend Ed graciously lent to me a couple of months ago. It is an awesome shortwave receiver and it has always worked great at home so I knew it would work even better up here. After we put the antenna wire out of window and tie wrapped it to the metal antenna tower on the side of the house the Yaesu was working excellent.

One of the interests that I have inherited from Norm is a passion for shortwave radio so we had a lot of fun listening to the Yaesu for the rest of Friday night. We heard the regulars like Radio China International, Radio Japan, Radio Sweden, and Radio Taiwan International (a personal favorite of mine). We also heard harder to receive stations like Radio Ukraine International, Radio Prague, Radio Bulgaria, Radio Budapest, Radio Cairo Egypt, KBS South Korea, Radio Romania International, and All India Radio.

Right before bedtime Norm, Jackie, and I heard "MAC Shortwave" which is a pirate shortwave station coming in with a great signal.

I will write more later in the week.

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