Friday, February 24, 2006

A (somewhat) Quick Note

Hello, Jack and I are once again up in Paradise. There is a lot of snow up here. I just thought I would post a quick message to let you all know what has been going on.

I recently had to wipe our computer clean and re-format it due to viruses. As a result of this both mine and Jack's websites cannot be updated until we get Microsoft Front Page back on our computer. It may be awhile before there are any updates on those sites.

There are still people coming by to look at our condo once in awhile but no one has put in any bids on the place yet. Thankfully there hasn't been any shootings next door in the past two weeks.

Since I cannot update my main "music" website this blog page shall become (temporarily anyway) my "all purpose" blog.

That being said I recieved my new updated version of the Cakewalk digital recording software a couple of days ago. It looks pretty cool. It's recording capabilities have expanded from 16 tracks to 64 tracks so I am pretty geeked about recording with it. Now that I have a Mellotron I can really due some damage.

I also finally recieved my Paia modular synthesizer kit in the mail about a week ago. Now I need to assemble it all and I will have my very first modular system to experiment with.

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