Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Holidays Are In Fact Over/Brendan is 4 Today!

Yes my friends, The holidays are over and the year is 2006.

Today is my nephew Brendan's birthday. He is the big 4 today. He will be starting his school career very shortly.

The holiday season was wonderful. Many good times were had. Thank You to all of you who thought enough of me to give me gifts. You are all wonderful, beautiful people and I love you all.

Mine and Jack's condo is still up for sale. We dropped our asking price by $3,000 in an attempt to lure some more "potential buyers". We have had a couple of people in to see the place but we have received no bids of any sort.

I received a lot of cool books for Christmas. My lovely wife bought me "Two Way Radios and Scanners For Dummies" and "Ham Radio For Dummies" as I am going to start preparing for my entry into the world of ham radio.

I am going to be setting up my "Audioblogger" account this evening so look here soon for my first "Audio" blog post. The way it works is I will call a phone number with my cell phone and record my "post" and then it will automatically be sent as an audio file to this very blog page. Pretty cool eh?

My New Year's Resolution is to be a more dilligent and attentive Blogger.

That's all for now as "The Gilmore Girls" is going to start soon.

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